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Confidence (White)
“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." –Napoleon Hill
  1) Practice - Anything you do will improve when you try extra hard.
  2) Self Image - Positive self image will improve you’re attitude.
  3) Visualization - Use your imagination to see yourself accomplish something
  4) Stand Tall - Body language is as loud as your voice, use it to send a good message.

Attitude (Orange)
“Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching? -Author Unknown
  1) Positive Thoughts - Believe in yourself!
  2) Resolve - Make up your mind to finish what you start.
  3) Expectation - Set high standards for yourself and set the example for your peers.
  4) Willpower - The power of your mind drives you to success.

Goals (Yellow)
"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry
  1) Specific - Know exactly what you want and how to achieve it.
  2) Motivating - Keep a positive attitude and believe in yourself.
  3) Achievable - Set high goal and develop steps to make it easier to reach them.
  4) Relevant - Remember why your goal is important to you.
  5) Trackable - Make sure that you can measure how you are progressing.


Respect (Camo)
“Respect is something that is earned, not commanded." –Patrick Lewis
  1) Manners - Show others that you value them by being polite.
  2) Follow the Rules - When everyone acts within the guidelines there is harmony.
  3) Communicate - Listen to gain understanding, talk to clarify your thoughts.
  4) Thoughtful - Think of another person’s needs before your own.


Self Esteem (Green)
"Of all the judgments we pass in life, none is more important than the judgment we pass on ourselves." -Nathaniel Branden
  1) Unique - You are special and unlike anyone else in the world!
  2) Brave - Dare to be different, conformity is boring.
  3) Proud - Act in a way that will make you feel worthy of honor and respect.
  4) Appreciate - Recognize your value and believe in your potential to succeed.

Persistence (Purple)
“It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." -Albert Einstein
  1) Diligent - Always pay attention to the task at hand.
  2) Consistent - Perform to the same standards every time you do a task.
  3) Tenacious - Never give up!
  4) Drive - Force yourself to do your very best every time!

Focus (Blue)
“Don't waste time calculating your chances of success and failure. Just fix your aim and begin." -Guan Yin Tzu
  1) Concentrate - Use all your energy and thoughts to accomplish a single purpose.
  2) Train Hard - Working on the one thing that is most difficult will make it your best skill.
  3) Expectation - Prepare for the best outcome and you will get nothing less.
  4) Foresee - Believe in your ability to reach that goal by imagining the future result.


Discipline (Brown)
“With self-discipline all things are possible." –T. Roosevelt
  1) Self–Control - When you know what you’re supposed to do AND you do it!
  2) Leadership - Set a good example for others.
  3) Responsible - You are in charge of your actions and feelings.
  4) Plan - Make a map for you goals and stick to it until you achieve them.

Integrity (Red)
“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching." -Jim Stovall
  1) Honesty - You always tell the truth
  2) Character - The positive, unique qualities that make you the person you are
  3) Trustworthy - Everyone knows they can depend on you to do the right thing
  4) Conviction - Standing up for what you believe in

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2900 Wind River Lane, Suite 138 Denton, TX 76210 - 940.271.4217